
按:此是维尔主教:关于东正教与其他基督教派区别的采访。本采访提供英文讲稿,并提供中文翻译。注:本文参考了DeepL的中译。 若要引用本文,请按以下格式:维尔主教《关于东正教与其他基督教派区别的采访》(伦敦:光从东方来,2024年11月23日),阿甲整理修订,本网页网址,引用日期。具体也请参考版权申明 本文视频源自于油管 What is the charateristic difference between Orthodox Christianity and Catholic Christianity on the one hand, and Orthodox Christianity and Protestant Christianity on the other? Is there an essential difference between Orthodoxy’s relationships to both? 东正教与天主教之间,以及东正教与基督教新教之间的区别是什么?东正教与两者的关系是否存在本质区别? Answer: First, so far as Catholic Christianity goes, the root difference, the most important single difference, in my view, is the papal claims. We are willing, on the Orthodox side, to accept that in a reunited Christendom, the Pope would have the first place....

November 23, 2024 · ephremyuan