按:此是Maximos神父关于爱神集与心祷的讲座。讲座十分精彩,会提供讲稿,讲稿根据神父的英文讲稿翻译整理,可能与讲座内容稍有出入。注:本文参考了DeepL的中译。 若要引用本文,请按以下格式:Maximos神父《爱神集与心祷》(伦敦:光从东方来,2024年11月08日),阿甲整理修订,本网页网址,引用日期。具体也请参考版权申明 音频下载,请点击 油管订阅和网盘 正文 耶稣祷文 The Jesus Prayer Fr Maximos Constas 马克西姆神父著 Christianity is not a single or monolithic religion. It exists in three major forms or traditions: Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox. Protestant Christianity began in the sixteenth century when it broke away from the Roman Catholic Church. The Eastern Orthodox Church is the oldest of these Churches and exists in unbroken continuity with the first churches founded by the apostles of Jesus Christ in the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean world....